My story

I'm a self-organised developer, creating mid-size to large projects from conception to handover. My experience ranges from programming and the concepts behind it to a broad variety regarding web. In the last 5 years I worked at Liip, an online agency in Switzerland, and improved life of over a million people.

I find passion in trying out stuff and passing on that knowledge. Generally being a student forever as well as a mentor. The urge to see how things work and how others and myself can benefit from that.

Fun fact

The name Chuvisco was given me around 2006 from Mestre Omar, my teacher of Capoeira (a brazilian martial art).

My Vision

Beside of striving for more experiments in terms of technology, I want to share my mistakes, successes and insights in other topics as well.
This website will tell about all the hardships und leisures and I intend to walk this path not alone but together with others.

Challenge me with your insights, tell me about your mistakes or just hit me up for a nice chit chat!